Diabetes - What Sort Of Nutrition Plan Should I Follow?

A proper nutrition plan is the most important way to manage your diabetes and reduce your risk of diabetes complications, such as neuropathy (nerve damage) and nephropathy (kidney damage).

Here are four simple ways to develop your own nutrition plan.

1. Monitor Your Carbs & Sugar

For many people with diabetes and pre-diabetes, carbohydrates and simple sugars are a major nutritional concern. As a result, many people chose to count the number of carbohydrates in a meal to help guide food choices and reduce the risk of a high blood sugar event. Also, avoiding highly processed foods and those with added sugar is an important strategy. 

2. Healthy Fats are Important

Fats are very important for our overall health. Many people with diabetes will try to cut fat from their diet as a strategy to improve their health - this is not healthy! Instead, cut out unhealthy fats from fried foods, fatty red meat or refined oils. Your diet should include healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, grass-fed butter and Frontline Clinical Omega-3.

3. Vegetables Protect Your Health

I encourage you to have a minimum of 2 serving of vegetables at lunch and dinner, and I challenge you to make them different colours throughout the day! Vegetables are such an important part of our diet for providing vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that keep the body functioning properly and protected from free-radicals. For people with diabetes, this is especially important because high blood sugar can cause damage to cells in the body. Antioxidants from vegetables can decrease this damage and help the body repair existing damage. Learn about supplemental protection from high blood sugar HERE!

4. Protein to Keep Muscles Healthy

It is important for people with diabetes to keep their muscles health. Muscles are important storage sites for when sugars and fats are removed from the blood stream. To keep muscles healthy, it is important to have servings of lean protein at each meal.  For help building muscle through exercise, read this article!

Are you looking to improve your diabetes management? Checkout the Frontline Diabetes Plan written by Dr. Evan.