Are your neuropathy symptoms changing?

What does change look like? To you, it could be something small, while to your neighbour your 'change' could be insignificant. 

If we are not able to objectively measure something, then how can we determine if a change has actually happened?

With that inspiration, I developed the Frontline Pain Journal. This simple tool is designed to be used at home to assess your current neuropathy symptoms and measure change over time. There is also room to record your current Frontline Nutrition Therapy, medications and healthcare appointments.  

Please share this with your friends who might not yet be using Frontline products. It is important to keep a close eye on neuropathy symptoms so they can be managed before they become serious.

Click here to start using the Frontline Pain Journal today!

Stay healthy,

Learn how Frontline Neuropathy is helping people manage their symptoms and how Frontline Diabetes is helping to control blood sugar for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.